Hello everyone, (And by everyone I mean my mother or grandmother who are probably the only people reading this). Today I decided to just ramble on about nonsense without a care in the world because I think it's funny. So here we go.
At the moment I am writing this I actually have no idea what I’m going to write about for this post. This is all just the routine garbage I come up with and put into a google doc the moment I think about it. In other words whatever I’m going to talk about next is something I probably came up with long after this drivel that I have the gall to call humorous.
You know I thought of something else before I started writing as well. I was thinking “Hey, maybe I’ll be one of those authors who’ll become famous after he dies. Yeah, that’s positive thinking right there. Let me put an exclamation point at the end to show you all (mom and/or grandma) how excited that thought makes me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Was that too many exclamation points? Because even if it was, I don't really care. The wonder behind technology is that you can hide behind it and act much braver than you really are, so when I say “I don’t care” that doesn’t necessarily mean that I really don’t care. It just means that I think people are going to judge me, but I’m going to go with it anyway because I’m a nobody with nothing to lose.
I already know what some of you are thinking. Okay, so there are those who are thinking “Yeah, you totally are a nobody and will probably be a nobody for the rest of your life.” That’s what some people are thinking. Now, others might be thinking “Oh MJ that’s so mean. You shouldn’t say things like that about yourself. You should try to think more positively. Everyone’s somebody.” Well, so you know what I have to say to both of those statements “I don’t care.” There you go. I said it, and we all know what that means.
Anyways, the plan is to become a well-established author when I’m still alive, and by well-established I mean making enough money to do this full-time and retire early. Of course, even if I could retire early I’d probably keep writing. Knowing my luck, I’ll won’t be able to keep writing once I get a real job other than being a substitute teacher who twitters his thumbs for hours a day (FYI if anyone in the education system sees this just know that I don’t just sit there doing nothing, I actually work, but six hours a day in a classroom where the kids are just working on homework’s leaves you with a lot of time doing nothing between walking around and telling kids to get back to work. I wrote and scanned the room, then walked around to make sure everyone was working, then I wrote, watched, walked, and repeated). I wish there was an English word for repeat because then all of those words could’ve started with “w”, but to my dismay I am too lazy to look one up as I wrote this. Good thing I don’t take the same approach to writing my novels, and no this isn’t me just saying that because I think it’ll make people think I don’t put much work into my novels. I put hours into writing. I probably spent over one hundred hours writing my manuscript and just as much or more time editing, which now that I think about it might not be that much time compared to other authors.
I once read that some authors write about two to four thousand words a day, and that’s about what I write for my novels. That’s about one chapter. Then I’ll edit two chapters a day, which sucks. I hate editing. I really hate editing, except sometimes I love it because it expands the story and I end up writing more really good scenes to edit that weren’t in the rough draft. Man I really love/hate editing. I really hope I don't find an editor at some point. I’d like to hire an editor, but they are expensive, and I’m admittedly paranoid that they post it to some free site or whatever if I give them access to my work. The price is more of my concern than my own Wild imagination, but I am stupid so who knows what’s really driving me. And before people get bent out of shape because I called myself stupid, I just want it on the record that I think I’m very smart. In fact, I’m probably the smartest dumb person I’ve ever met and believe me I’ve met a lot of smart-dumb people and dumb-smart people, and dumb-dumb people and smart-smart people, but I’m definitely not in either of the latter categories.
I think that’s considered self-affirmation because I said I definitely wasn’t a dumb-dumb person. Yay me!!! There might be a chance I go from a pessimist to a realist. You know I just remembered something. Have you ever heard that an optimist would call a pessimist a realist? Well, whether or not you have, I just wanted to point out that calling a pessimist a realist is actually very pessimistic because then you’d be saying that all their negativity is most likely true, which is a very pessimistic way of looking at things.
Guess I have some of the strangest musings at mid-night which was thirty minutes before I started writing this exact sentence.
Anyways, I’m not sure what most of this crap has to do with writing books, but I hope you enjoyed my ludicrous ramblings again, but if not, “I don’t care”.
Take care everyone.
MJ Maddox
Visually Impaired Author